Monday, November 19, 2012


If you don't music, lose it!


Weak Teeth - What a Plague You Are (2011)

Weak Teeth are a hardcore act out of Providence, Rhode Island. They seem to specialize in short, no longer than 3 minute, and intense tracks that any Loma Prieta or Touché Amoré enthusiast would appreciate. Weak Teeth do have a 9 minute track at the end of this album, 'What a Plague You Are' called, "Blue Skies, Shit Life" which can also keep my attention all the way through!

There is also a one song B-side to this album called, "Killers" and yes, it is a short one.

Necklacing - I (2012)

This little tape by a band from Massachusetts starts out like a chaotic mess that is kinda hard to put up to the eardrums at first, but as the whole thing starts unfolds and we cruise by track after quick track, the noise and violence that Necklacing ensues somewhat starts to make sense and by the last track locks in - enitiled, "Moira", we have ourselves a nastily fearsome closing piece. Without the last track, I probably wouldn't have taken notice of this tape. If you are a fan of powerviolence, fastcore, or just really noisy whatever we're calling punk music today, you may take a liking to all of this immediately. I dunno.

Conjjjecture - Fall 2012 Demos (2012)

Conjjjecture is the new band of Jacob Lowry, formerly of Huak (who recently called it quits. Sad, I know), along with other young local Portland natives (I can only guess). And while it's a shame to see such a talented band like Huak no longer around, this new local act "creating new sounds" is also a nice silver lining so to speak...

Currently, I have really taken a liking to the opening track of this demo called, "Only Rabbits" (which is the only song available to download currently). The song is actually an original creation of James Paul Cooper, the lead singer of Portland runk pock band, Heavy Breathing and what I believe to be as a sample of Charles Manson in there somewhere. I guess this conforms that Conjjecture is also Cooper's project and that it is not a Jesse Gertz AKA Glass Fingers project. Guess he's too busy with Heart Munny Son anyway...




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