Friday, March 9, 2012

Pachangacha + That Time of the Season?

It seems like it was just one week ago that my town was getting pounded in the face by that white stuff that we have all grown to love. Fast forward this week though, and we see people in short shorts and flip-flops. I must have slept on the weather report that announced it was going to be summer yesterday because it seemed as though a bit of blue skies and sunny weather caused everybody to remember how cool it is to not wear pants and heavy snow jackets. I think they also may have forgotten that there's that little teaser season before winter we get here in Maine called spring, a very muddy and rainy season that seems to last a second but feels like winter's mean but cool big brother. I'm not going to lie that yesterday wasn't a record high for March 8th, it was (I read it in The Portland Daily Sun)! And it was a whole 60 degrees too, oh my! But anyways, if you are that kind of person who automatically jumps in to summer mode when you see a warm day ahead these days, this post, and others on the horizon, are totally for you!

Pachangacha - Berserkabunga (2011) 

Pachangacha sport a very clever punk sound that deals with many things such as not living in California, being in college, being a dweeb (a word I use quite often ever since this release), frats, and other things that we all have to deal with. Pachangacha themselves are made of members of another clever punk band,  Chalk Talk as well as some other dudes.

The album has a very summery feel to it, maybe because I listened to it a lot before and during summer last year and probably again this year, but a summer feel to it no less. It'll get you right in the mood to start thinking about the beach and riding bikes. Just turn this bad boy up and pretend you are in your swimming pool eating ice cream while watching the snow melt... or you could actually put swim trunks on and go outside and do it for real. To each their own.

These guys are "Kind of like if Weezer kept playing music from their Blue Album, up'ed the punx, and didn't suck now" (

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